Leah Rosenzweig
Research Affiliate
email lrosenzw@mit.edu
website http://www.leahrrosenzweig.com/
twitter @LeahRosenzweig
Leah is a Research Affiliate at MIT GOV/LAB and a Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST), France. At GOV/LAB, Leah collaborates with non-governmental organizations in East and West Africa on questions of citizen engagement and government accountability. Her book project investigates how social norms influence political participation in rural East Africa and urban West Africa. Developing a new theory of social voting, Leah implemented a lab-in-the-field experimental design to test the existence and influence of a social norm of voting in Tanzania and Uganda. She finds that citizens in Tanzania and Uganda are more likely to incur a cost to vote in a hypothetical election when their behavior is public to their fellow community members, than when they vote in secret. Her ongoing work in Lagos, Nigeria explores social norms of participation in informal settlements. Leah was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow.
Projects May 2020
Public Health Policy and Behavior
Research projects with practitioner partners focused on public health issues and crises, including the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ebola epidemic.
Research November 2022
Growth or Goods: Examining Tax Morale Among Property Owners in Lagos
Nicole Wilson & Leah Rosenzweig published a working paper with the International Centre for Tax and Development on taxation in Lagos, Nigeria.
Projects May 2020
Data to Inform the Pandemic Response (Covid-19)
How can social science research provide rapid inputs to public health crises? Our team is working with partners to produce data and evidence to inform pandemic responses.
Projects October 2019
Dissertation and Seed Grants
A compilation of research projects and outcomes by MIT Political Science graduate students supported by MIT GOV/LAB.
Research May 2020
Preliminary Results from Rapid Survey to Inform Covid-19 Response in Sierra Leone
Research brief with initial results from MIT GOV/LAB's collaboration with the Institute for Governance Reform and the Government of Sierra Leone to inform Covid-19 policy.
News February 2023
Paying Taxes without Receiving Services: Informal Settlements in Lagos
In research published in the journal Studies in Comparative International Development, MIT GOV/LAB researchers look at factors influencing people’s willingness to pay taxes in informal settlements in Lagos, Nigeria.
Projects November 2015
Citizen Engagement and Voter Behavior in Tanzania
Under what conditions do voters evaluate election candidates based on performance and programmatic considerations in dominant-party systems?
Resources January 2016
New Tools for Conjoint Analysis in Developing Countries
Two new apps to help researchers design their own conjoint analysis.
Projects November 2016
Voting for Change: Civic Engagement and Elections in Uganda
What do Ugandans most care about when selecting candidates for local office? How do citizen judge and act upon the legitimacy of elections and the quality of public goods provision?
Projects November 2015
Online Civic Engagement in Kenya
How can online news sources frame information in a way that galvanizes online participatory action among those who have the economic and political capacity to participate?
Research January 2016
How to Use New Conjoint Analysis Tools
Paper in Political Methodologist on using conjoint analysis in contexts offline and with low literacy respondents.
News April 2017
Recap from We the People / Hack for Democracy
Nearly 40 people showed up for the hack on April 21-22. Hack organizers, Leah Rosenzweig and Alex Meyer, provide the play-by-play and hack highlights below.
News March 2015
Presentation at the TICTeC Conference 2015
Leah Rosenzweig presented at The Impacts of Civic Technology Conference (TICTeC) in March 2015.
News September 2015
Citizen Perspectives on Politics — Learning Note 5
How do ordinary Tanzanian citizens see politics and government? What do Tanzanian citizens think of as “engagement” and “participation” in politics? How do citizens interact with parties and political elites?
News September 2015
Politicians all Make the Same Promises — Learning Note 6
“Politics” is a word that has a very negative connotation for most citizens. Below we share research findings gathered from citizens around Tanzania.
News February 2016
Understanding Citizen Preferences for Political Candidates — Learning Note 8
Why is the method big news? GOV/LAB team wrote new code and a manual for this type of experiment and made the code, manuals, and apps open source.
News November 2016
Grad Life: Bringing the Lab to the Field
Leah Rosenzweig and her work for GOV/LAB is featured in MIT Alumni Association's "Slice of MIT."