Ying Gao
Research Affiliate
email ying_gao@mit.edu
Ying Gao finished her PhD in comparative politics and political economy from MIT. Her first project at GOV/LAB explored different urban informal communities in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has also assisted in field experiment implementation in the Philippines. Ying has previously worked as research and partnership coordinator for the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) in Southeast Asia. Her research interests are in public service provision, social institutions, and state-society relations, particularly related to better governance in cities.
Projects October 2019
Dissertation and Seed Grants
A compilation of research projects and outcomes by MIT Political Science graduate students supported by MIT GOV/LAB.
Projects August 2017
The Many Faces of Urban Informality
GOV/LAB Seed Project: Three graduate students explore citizen participation and service provision in informal urban communities in Pakistan, Liberia, and Indonesia.
News September 2021
Studying Community-Driven Development Projects in Indonesia
Ying Gao, an MIT PhD student and MIT GOV/LAB researcher, is looking at how collaborations on service delivery between governments and communities impact leaders in informal communities.
News October 2019
Streets Ahead? Future of Work for Jakarta’s Informal Transportation
Tech innovation is supposed to be disruptive, but what does it mean for informal sector workers in developing cities? PhD candidate Ying Gao reflects on fieldwork in Indonesia.
News September 2017
Building Equal Footing for Good Governance in the Philippines
Can training citizens and government officials together create a more constructive relationship between the two key stakeholders? Reporting back from the field on the building blocks of good local governance.