Selva Swetha A. R.
Swetha was a Senior Research Support Associate at the MIT GOV/LAB, with research interests in the political economy of development, and political behavior. She has previously worked in impact evaluation and evidence-based policy research roles, as a Research Associate at the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab in India, and at a think tank developing a reconfigured health system for rural India. She has a Master’s in Global Policy Studies from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Bachelor’s from the University of Warwick.
Projects February 2018
Transparent: Testing Access to Information and Government Responsiveness
MIT GOV/LAB is partnering with civil society to test access to information laws at the local level and better understand what motivates bureaucrat behavior on transparency.
Resources November 2018
Exploring Civic Leadership Training with Partners in the Philippines
This learning case provides a summary of MIT GOV/LAB's research collaboration with partners in the Philippines.
Projects March 2017
Better together? Examining the effect of civic education for local officials & citizens in the Philippines
Does providing the poor with new civic skills and opportunities to interact with powerful local officials improve accountability?
Projects November 2015
Representation or Cooptation? Examining the Effects of Community Leadership Training in the Philippines
Does providing the poor with opportunities to learn new civic skills and interact with powerful local officials and politicians improve their ability to hold the government accountable for public service provision?
Research January 2018
The effect of civic leadership training on citizen engagement and government responsiveness
Making All Voices Count research report on a civic leadership training experiment and political participation in the Philippines.
News May 2018
When Newly Empowered Leaders of the Poor Run in Local Elections
Following up on our Making All Voices Count research, a look at how a newly-trained community leader engaged in recent local elections in the Philippines.
News November 2017
Dispatches from the Field
On a contentious referendum, birth rates, and Indian bureaucracy: Notes from fieldwork in the Philippines.
News January 2018
Cleaning House — Experimental Evidence on Improving Citizen Engagement in the Philippines
High-level findings from our Making All Voices Count research on civic leadership training for the 'poorest of the poor' in the Philippines.