Jasmine English
Research Affiliate
email jenglish@mit.edu
Jasmine Hope English is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford (2024-25) and will be an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Reed College (2025-). Her research focuses on political behavior, interracial solidarity, and the carceral state in American politics, and has been published in the American Political Science Review and Politics, Groups, and Identities. Jasmine received her PhD in Political Science from MIT in 2024 and graduated from UCLA with degrees in Political Science and Economics in 2018. She is originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Projects October 2019
Dissertation and Seed Grants
A compilation of research projects and outcomes by MIT Political Science graduate students supported by MIT GOV/LAB.
News September 2019
The Puzzle of Morally Transgressive Violence in Ethnic Conflicts
Jasmine English, MIT PhD candidate and GOV/LAB Seed Grant recipient, reports back from data collection in Northern Ireland.